Author : Ghadeer Badr
Source : Journal of Business and Retail Management
Date of Publication : 10/2014
Abstract :
tudy looked at the development of a scale to measure the perceived benefits of e-recruitment from the viewpoint of the recruiter. Based on the review of the previous literature and studies the research objectives were posed. The perceived benefits of e-recruitment were defined in the literature by several scholars from a qualitative perspective. Nevertheless, up to the knowledge of the researcher a quantitative scale to measure these perceived benefits was not developed. Through the review of literature and the interviews held with key recruitment and human resources managers and executives, a proposed set of constructs were developed in the form of a questionnaire. The initial questionnaire was, tested and administered to several sectors within Cairo, Egypt. Statistical results revealed a number of valid items that could be used for the measurement of these constructs. Future research should extend to other study sectors and other domains
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