Future University In Egypt (FUE)

Future Center for Public Policy Analysis (FCPPA)


Future Center for Public Policy Analysis (FCPPA) will be established at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science (economicspoliticalscience), Future University in Egypt under the Dean's supervision.

FCPPA aims at the following:

  • Conducting research and studies on pressing public policy issues.
  • Holding conferences, workshops, seminars where experts and policy makers from Egypt, the Arab world and the world at large will participate.
  • Managing training workshops for policy analysts, economists, academics, civic servants, NGOs, and policymakers.
  • Arranging public lectures where experts, practitioners, policy analysts and policy-makers as well as academicians and others are invited.
  • Offering Consultation to the policymakers on specific political, economic and social issues.
  • Advising government agencies on funding, public policy, and budgeting decisions.
  • Publishing policy papers and policy briefs to help students, researchers and policy makers to analyze and understand public issues which concern Egypt and the Arab World.

A Director of FCPPA is appointed by the Dean of economicspoliticalscience. The Director should be, at the minimum, an associate professor of Economics. This appointment is endorsed by FCPPA Board of Directors for 4 years which could be renewed for only another additional four years.

FCPPA Board of Directors is composed for four years as follows:

  • Chair, Board of Trustees.
  • University President.
  • Dean of economicspoliticalscience.
  • Director of FCPPA.
  • 3 Experts/ Professors of public administration and political science.
  • 3 public figures from outside the university.

The Board will meet on quarterly basis upon the Director's invitation. It endorses the research, study and activities plans/ agenda as well as the FCPPA financial status. It also endorses the FCPPA policies and objectives such as:

a) Determining authorities and responsibilities of the Director and the financial employee in charge. It also determines the salaries, honoraria and financial bonus. All of these should not exceed 35% of received funds after deducting all running costs.

b) Determining salaries, honoraria and bonus of researchers, employees and experts working in and for FCPPA.

c) Discussing all issues of concern presented by the Director.

Resolutions by the FCPPA Board of Directors will be effective only upon endorsement by both the President of the University and the Chair of the Board of Trustees.

FCPPA Director is responsible for technical administration as well as financial activities. It is possible for the Director to appoint a deputy, endorsed by the Dean, to manage FCPPA during his absence.

The Board of Directors appoints, upon the Director's nomination, the financial employee in charge. He/ She will be in charge of the financial aspects of FCPPA activities. Checks should be signed by both the Dean and the Director.

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