Future University In Egypt (FUE)

Specialization Elective Courses in Marketing Management

Specialization Elective Courses in Marketing Management

MBAE MKT24 - E- Marketing

This course will examine the concepts, strategies and applications involved in e-marketing, understand the background, current state and future potential of e-marketing, explore ethical and legal aspects of e-marketing, discuss integrating e-marketing strategies into marketing programs, gain exposure to e-marketing tools and best practices through "hands-on" application, describe e-marketing strategies for segmenting, targeting and positioning, review the 4Ps (Product, Pricing, Promotion and Place) in the context of e-marketing, and understand the role of customer relationship management (CRM) in e-marketing.

MBAE MKT25 - International Marketing

This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of the international marketing arena. The course deals with all aspects of marketing from an international perspective and prepares students to deal with foreign competitive situations and international opportunities. The course content will include introduction to international marketing, the international marketing environment, assessing international market-entry opportunities, planning and managing market entry strategies and products, global distribution and pricing, international promotion, sales, negotiation, and international marketing plan

MBAE MKT26 - Integrated Marketing Communications

In this course students will study the use of promotional tools by business as well as their creation and management. The course provides an integrative approach to the study of the promotional mix, including advertising, publicity, personal selling, and sales promotion. Topics include an evaluation of the role of promotion in marketing and the economy, the formulation and analysis of promotional goals, planning, organizing, and controlling the promotion function, creative planning, budgeting and media selection.

MBAE MKT27 - Service Marketing

This course examines the important and growing role of services marketing in both consumer and organizational target markets. This course focuses on effective customer relationship management, key service delivery elements, and service recovery strategies that lead to the successful implementation of a customer focus in service-based businesses. The course content will include introduction to services marketing, understanding the customer, standardizing and aligning the delivery of services, the people who deliver and perform services, and the promotions and pricing strategies in services marketing.

MBAE MKT28 - Brand Management and Buyer Behavior

This course provides students with insights into how profitable brand strategies can be created and the implications for brand management professionals. The class blends marketing theory and practice to provide perspective on corporate marketing and the brand management function. This course also introduces the theory of buyer behavior and relates it to the practice of strategic marketing decisions. The models of buyer behavior and related theories drawn from psychology, anthropology, social and behavioral sciences are taught with particular emphasis on the consumer decision making process. The course covers why individuals make certain purchasing decisions; what products and services they buy; how they buy them; the frequency with which they buy them; and the decision process in these situations.


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